DG Goods Handling

DG Cargo

We provide these Services to very large International Companies in the Petroleum, Pharma and other Sectors. Commodities classified as Dangerous goods (DG) or Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) comprise of various composite chemicals, mixtures of substances, manufactured products or articles which can pose a risk to people, animals or the environment if not properly handled in use or in transport.

Many products that we come into contact with on a daily basis can be hazardous to human life and accompanying lives or goods when contact is made. The packaging of substances that have explosive, chemical, radioactive or biological properties plays an integral part in the transportation of such items, as this prevents their unnecessary exposure to humans and other living organisms.

As a practitioner of fully licensed and approved Dangerous Goods handler, GLOBAL COURIER & PARCEL SERVICES has its own dedicated DG handling capability and an expert team of dedicated and qualified DG Resources to handle all its customers DG requirements.

GLOBAL COURIER & PARCEL SERVICES’ offerings include supply of packaging for DG shipments as per International Air Transport Association (IATA) DG regulations for Air shipments, and covers any and all DG or Hazardous materials and such classified commodities.